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Showing records 211 through 240.

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Keeping our Faith in the Midst of the Storm

6/28/2009 Jon Stricklin  Mark 4:35-41 

Keeping the Gospel Fresh

4/4/2010 Jon Stricklin  Mark 9:30-32 

Kept in God's Kindness

12/3/2017 Pastor Jon Stricklin  Ruth 2 

Killing Sin

4/13/2014 Jon Stricklin  Colossians 3:5-6 

Leaders Wanted

3/7/2010 Jon Stricklin  1 Corinthians 16:13-14 

Learning to Pray From Paul

1/24/2010 Tom Madon  Philippians 1:9-11 

Let the Children Come to Me

7/18/2010 Jon Stricklin  Mark 10:13-16 

Let Your Light Shine!

5/17/2009 Jon Stricklin  Mark 4:21-25 

Lift High the Cross, Part 1

5/27/2018 Pastor Jon Stricklin  John 12:27-34 

Living by Faith

10/4/2020 Casey Banks  Habakkuk 2:1-20 

Living for the Pleasure of God - Part 1

3/11/2018 Pastor Jon Stricklin  Colossians 1:10-12 

Living for the Pleasure of God - Part 2

3/18/2018 Pastor Jon Stricklin  Colossians 1:10-12 

Living for the Pleasure of God - Part 3

3/25/2018 Pastor Jon Stricklin  Colossians 1:10-12 

Living in Relationship with the Risen Lord

4/26/2020 Pastor Jon Stricklin  John 21:1-14 

Living Well

7/1/2012 Keith Hansen  Joshua 1:1-9 

Loving One Another Fervently, Pt. 1

1/4/2009 Jon Stricklin  1 Peter 1:22-23 

Loving One Another Fervently, Pt. 2

6/7/2009 Jon Stricklin  1 Peter 1:22-23 

Marriage That Honors Christ

7/13/2014 Jon Stricklin  Colossians 3:18-19 

Membership Matters: Biblical Reasons for Local Church Membership

11/24/2013 Jon Stricklin  Selected Scriptures 

Mining the Treasure of Contentment

4/15/2012 Jon Stricklin  1 Timothy 6:6-10 

Motivated to Contend for the Faith

11/2/2014 Jon Stricklin  Jude 1-4 

My Soul Waits for the Lord

8/10/2014 Aaron Snell  Psalm 130 

New Life Requires the New Birth

4/5/2015 John Stricklin  John 3:1-3 

None Like the LORD

12/31/2017 Pastor Jon Stricklin  Jeremiah 10:1-16 

Not Satisfied With Near Sightedness

2/14/2010 Jon Stricklin  Mark 8:22-26 

Oh, How Good is Our God!

9/2/2012 Jon Stricklin  Psalm 119:65-72 

Only Jesus Can Satisfy the Hungry Soul

3/20/2016 Jon Stricklin  John 6:1-15 

Only Two Ways

9/10/2017 Pastor Jon Stricklin  Psalm 1 

Our Church Exists for the Glory of the True God

1/3/2016 Jon Stricklin  John 5:17-24 

Our Church Exists for the Gospel of Grace

1/10/2016 Jon Stricklin  Mark 10:45 

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Showing records 211 through 240.