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Showing records 451 through 480.

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Enriched from the Treasury of David

9/3/2017 Pastor Jon Stricklin  Selected Scriptures 

Enjoying Oneness in Marriage

5/30/2010 Jon Stricklin  Ephesians 5:28-33 

Easter Testimony

4/21/2019 Pastor Jon Stricklin  1 Corinthians 15:1-11 

Dressed to Kill (Sin)

5/11/2014 Jon Stricklin  Colossians 3:12-13 

Drawn By Grace to Glory

7/17/2016 Jon Stricklin  John 6:41-47 

Don't Forget Love!

6/1/2014 Jon Stricklin  Colossians 3:14 

Do You Revere Jesus?

12/28/2014 Jon Stricklin  John 1:15-18 

Do You Reflect Jesus?

12/7/2014 Jon Stricklin  John 1:6-8 

Do You Recognize Jesus?

11/30/2014 Jon Stricklin  John 1:1-5 

Do You Receive Jesus?

12/14/2014 Jon Stricklin  John 1:9-13 

Do Not Boast About Tomorrow

1/1/2012 Tom Madon  James 4:13-17 

Divine Pursuit of a Determined Sinner

3/8/2009 Jon Stricklin  Jonah 1 

Divine Pursuit of a Determined Sinner

8/6/2017 Pastor Jon Stricklin  Jonah 1 

Divine Ability for Human Responsibility

10/21/2012 Jon Stricklin  Psalm 119:105-112 

Directions for the Depressed

7/29/2012 Jon Stricklin  Psalm 119:25-32 

Devoted to Prayer

8/3/2014 Jon Stricklin  Colossians 4:2-4 

Dealing with Jesus' Death

3/22/2020 Pastor Jon Stricklin  John 19:31-42 

Daily Bread for 2019

12/30/2018 Pastor Jon Stricklin  2 Timothy 3:13-17 

Cursed by Jesus

10/3/2010 Jon Stricklin  Mark 11:12-22 

Cultivating Hope for Those Crying for Help

3/9/2014 Jon Stricklin  Psalm 131 

Crying for Revival

12/9/2012 Jon Stricklin  Psalm 119:153-160 

Courage From the Father

11/10/2019 Pastor Jon Stricklin  John 16:25-33 

Counting the Cost and Counting It Joy

9/23/2012 Aaron Snell  Luke 14:25-33 

Convictions of a Christian Citizen

8/14/2016 Jon Stricklin  Selected Scriptures 

Confidence in God Near the Cliffs of Despair

7/30/2017 Pastor Jon Stricklin  Psalm 34 

Completely Debt-Free In Christ

3/2/2014 Jon Stricklin  Colossians 2:13-15 

Comfort for the Afflicted

7/9/2017 Aaron Snell  2 Corinthians 1:3-7 

Come to the Table

3/1/2020 Pastor Jon Stricklin  1 Cor. 11:17-34 

Christmas Lights for Darkened Nights

12/23/2012 Jon Stricklin  Matthew 2:1-12 

Christmas in Crisis: Celebrating Jesus through Tears of Grief

12/13/2020 Dr. Jon Stricklin  Matthew 2:13-23 

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Showing records 451 through 480.